
Business Kata #7 In your quest to make connections...

Take a stumble around the Internet and see who you can connect with...


Business Kata #6 Start the conversation

Engaging in a conversation is a great way to make connections. So ask questions on your blog. Ask questions on other peoples blogs. Answer questions on yours and other peoples blogs.

What is your favorite question to ask? and why?


Business Kata #5 Post comments on interesting blogs

You might have noticed that all of these Kata's are very simple. These are meant to be foundational 'moves' that can build on each other. One thing to note is the popularity of 'social' media. And really, that being social is the whole point! Use your blog to reach out, use twitter to reach out, use linkedin, use facebook, use email.... the whole point is to make connections.

So, in the case of my Poop spinning robot, there are a number of good blog posts reviewing the litter robot. And I should go out and make connections.


Business Kata #4 Use Bigcartel to sell something i.e. WickBricks

The great thing about this thing we call the Internet is the ability to get setup extremely quickly. If you have something to sell, you can be up in only a few minutes! is such a place. Its intro level is free for listing and selling up to five items. Check out my WickBricks for sale there


Business Kata #3 Amazon Associates aka Poop Spinning Death Star for cats.

One way to 'monetize' your site is through the Amazon Associates program. You can easily sign up for an account and then put links on your blogs. For example, I recently purchased a Poop Spinning Death Star for my cat AKA a Litter Robot LRII Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box, Beige

In order to get a 'good' SEO address, I setup a blog at

I then write my review and make sure to have the link to the Litter Robot using the Associates ID. If anyone decides to buy it then you receive a small commission!

For more great Amazon Associate tips and tricks see this guys great blog posts!

And for bloggers description see here


Business Kata #2

Create a twitter account, search for people who have interesting content and then follow them. Chances are they might like your content as well and follow you back!


Business Kata #1

Business Kata #1 is a self-referential Kata. Say what? Well, like the Ouroboros (Or serpent that eats it's own tail) this post is about setting up a blog. (If you can't tell this blog runs on blogger, hence the self-referential kata....) anyways, if you have a gmail account, you do have one I assume? you can be up and running with a blog in five minutes.

Now that is hardly a business I know, but at the micro level it could be. A few more clicks and you can have adsense ads up on your blog. If you can convince enough people to read your content, there is a chance they will click on the ads. If they click, you will make a little pocket change.

That simple....